
My first yoga class was in 1999 while I was in graduate school studying to become a Physician Assistant. I was instantly hooked. My body and mind felt toned, yet relaxed and ready for anything. I continued to take yoga classes through the completion of my studies, during two pregnancies, and while I was working with a cardiology group performing cardiac stress tests. During those years of performing stress tests, I realized that I was interacting with people when they were already sick, and I wanted to help prevent them from ending up on that treadmill. The concept of “stress” that I was working with was also considered solely physical, but I felt that mental stress was contributing to physical illness and was not being addressed.  I have always been interested in health, fitness, gardening and nutrition and I feel that with my background in Biology, Medicine, as a Master Gardener, and now as a Yoga Instructor, and Integrative Health Coach, I can help people regain control over their health and wellness. At Village, I provide one on one yoga instruction tailored to each individual’s strengths and weaknesses, group yoga classes, and Integrative Health Coaching. Throughout our studies we learn not only the physical poses of yoga, but explore the mind-body interaction, the mechanics of breathing, and relaxation techniques. 

Angie is also the instructor of Yoga Club, a mixed levels Hatha yoga class, for beginners and experienced yogis alike, and experience a gentle, mindful, joint and glands type of practice. This is a great introduction to yoga, and incorporates both stretching and breathing techniques to align and calm your mind, body, and spirit in preparation for meditation. This class will meet on a reservation basis, Sundays from 9am to 10am in our West End location. If you are interested each week, email to set up a class.